Wednesday, February 25, 2009

soalan ape ntah

1.What have you been doing recently? think 4 some valuable..

2.Do you ever turn your cell phone off?yurp..except when attending exam..

3.What happened at 10am today? still in bathroom..maybe..

4.When did you last cry? 2 year ago..saje2 nk sblm tu bape kurun x nangis..huh

5.Believe in fate/destiny? i do..

6.What do you want in your life now? successfully in rising up my money..

7.Do you carry an umbrella when it rains or just put up your hood? nope,just run without it..

8.What's your favourite thing to do on the bed? reading or dreaming..tidola ape lg..

9.What bottoms are you wearing now? erm..

10.What's the nicest things in your inbox? frog smiling with sending by my frenz..

11.Do you tend to make the relationship complicated? yurp..~dizzy~

12.Are you wearing anything borrowed from anyone? nothing..

13.What was the last movie you caught? yukan

14.What are you proud of? ......

15.What does the oldest text msg in your inbox say? RM 10:ur crush is ********._ _ is......

16.What was the last song you sang out loud? ntah..puas pk..

17.Do you have any nicknames? klu panggil hafizah..aku ske..hihi

18.What does the newest text say and from who? "Hmm mcm e2 maa.kalo kte kasi jual murah2,e2 laki2 sng mau bli..lps 2,sng mau buang mcm sampah o0o..e2 psal kta jgn bikin dri sndiri ssah maa..cntik2 jd mcm sampah..tarak patot woo..hak3..ya ka lu ada hdung lg??Ingt sdh hlang kna gadai wo..hu3"from S****.

19.What time did you go to bed last night? 11:15..

20.Are you currently happy?yeah,but quite~lonely~

21.Who gives you the best advise? my parent

22.Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?

23.Who did you talk on the phone last night? nothing..

24.Is something bugging you now? my time quite limited..

25.Who was the last person to make you laugh? my frenz..thnx a lot..